Visual Vision Mapping
Visual Vision Mapping
1:1 Strategy planning for CEOs & Founders
Service Description
Prior to the session complete a Vision Activator Questionnaire. We use your individual responses to prepare for your session and to create a concept design board form to kick off the dialogue. The 60-minute deep dive experience is hosted on ZOOM. Within 48 hours of the session, you receive digitized doodle sketches that capture your big idea(s) and include highlights from our session. Two weeks later we have a 15-minute follow-up to check in on your progress. *A Pre-session Vision Activator Questionnaire *Concept Design Board capturing your vision themes *60-minute Strategy Session (While you share we sketch, summarize & ask clarifying questions) *Idea Sketch Booklet from Our Conversation (design board, sketches, and core image icons) *Your Personalized Action Steps for Implementation * 15-min accountability call +Interested in having a publication-worthy digitized illustration of your book or business vision? Add-on our ARTISTIC INFOGRAPHIC service for a custom visualization of all or a portion of your vision (doodle sketches)! Click the link below to learn more about Vision Mapping! https://visionmapping.ink/ **This fee is non-refundable. Scheduling changes must be made 48 hours prior to the scheduled session. If the session is rescheduled within this 48 hour period then the purchase amount will be applied to the new session.